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Thousands Need a Helping Hand

Do you ever look around at your community and see hurting people? Do you ever what resources are in place to provide aid to those who need it the most? At Compassion Central, we not only ask those questions, but we are also the catalyst in answering them. We believe that every person holds intrinsic value, and our goal is to honor their value by providing aid and help to those who need it. We are a not-for-profit organization committed to serving those who need service and aiding those who need assistance.

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The Arms of Compassion

Compassion Central provides help to those in need with our different programs, which we call the Arms of Compassion.

Compassion Sells

Our thrift store accepting donations and selling affordable good in the community.

Compassion Gives

A donation program sending medical and school supplies to those in need.

Compassion Heals

A medical program providing medical care and short term medical residency.

Check out this TedX video to learn more about how compassion makes a tangible difference!

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